Annual membership fees due

Annual membership fees due

Dear Member

The 2020 / 2021 membership year commences 1 April 2020. In preparation for this I am sending out the membership form good and early, giving you all ample time to complete and return by 31 March 2020.

This form needs to be completed by all those involved with the club and so this includes coaches, life time members, over 65s and those on a scholarship.

The format of the form has been amended since last year and now should be much easier to fill in. Please read the instructions on the form if you get stuck.

If your details have not changed since last year then you need go no further than filling in the first page.

The form is available on the link below and from the membership section of this website:

2020-21 Membership Form

As well as normal payment by cheque or cash, credit and debit cards can be used at the club.


Alex Morgan


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