Looking like Senior Fell Inter-counties 2019 will be on 11th or 12th May at Todmorden. It would be good to see a Worcestershire team represented.
We will hopefully use Wrekin Fell Race on 31st March as a qualifier. If you are eligible to represent Worcestershire, and wish to be considered, please express an interest beforehand, as you can’t tell from the results who is eligible.
Please share this post around all local clubs and encourage people to turn out (and have a go if they’ve not done fell running before.
Assuming same format previous years, we will be looking to select 4 ladies and 4 men for the teams – first two ladies and men in selection race, first U23 of each gender and one other male and female.
I know that we have some cracking off road and fell runners in the county, now come on out – county selection awaits
Please speak to our own International Fell runner Lily Higgins if you’re interested
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