WMYACCL Register by 1 October

WMYACCL Register by 1 October

The West Midland Young Athletes Cross Country League is moving to online entry for the coming season.  https://www.riderhq.com/events/p/22p1xo9n/enter

To make an entry for your child in RACE 1 please click on this link HERE 

 For all athletes except the under 11 age group, you will need their EA number so ensure you have this to hand before you log in. There will not be a fee to be paid when you enter. The club will be invoiced after the 1st Race.  The ages for the age groups are as at midnight on 31st August prior to the season. An athlete may not compete outside his/her own age group and for the under 11 age group must have reached their ninth birthday on the day of the final fixture


This will immediately give you your URN and also Email it to you for future reference.   If you do not have any success, please email membership@halesowen-athleticclub.co.uk

Ensure you choose the option stating that as a parent you are filling in the form for “Someone Else”   

 Where it asks for “Child” email address (it is a default label) please give a valid email address of a responsible adult, preferably the parent, for communications regarding the races. 

 Entries are now open for race 1 and will close on Sunday 1st October at midnight so get your entries in as soon as possible.   

Date                            Location                                              Location details

22 October 2023         Walsall Arboretum                   http://wmyaccl.com/Venues.asp?id=37

12 November 2023     Newbold Revell, Rugby          http://wmyaccl.com/Venues.asp?id=24

3 December 2023       Warley Woods, Smethwick    http://wmyaccl.com/Venues.asp?id=19

14 January 2024         Pingles Stadium, Nuneaton    http://wmyaccl.com/Venues.asp?id=11

11 February 2024        Aldersley Stadium, W’hampton http://wmyaccl.com/Venues.asp?id=3

Meeting Timetable:

11.00 Under 17 Women          4000m             11.25 Under 11 Boys              1600m            

11.40 Under 17 Men               4800m             12.05 Under 11 Girls               1600m

12.20 Under 15 Boys              3200m             12.40 Under 13 Girls              2500m

13.00 Under 13 Boys              2500m             13.20 Under 15 Girls              3200m

Typically advise to arrive an hour before your race

You will also need a club vest, please email matt.snooze@gmail.com, if you do not have one, or need a new one.  Any other questions, please ask.


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